The National Crisis Management Committee chaired by the Cabinet Secretary Shri Ajit Seth continued its review of the situation in J&K arising on account of floods. Secretary (Planning), J&K briefed the Committee about the ground situation and further support required. Food and water supply is being stepped up with dispatch of 125000 packets of biscuits, 100000 litres of water, 150 tons of ready to eat (RTE) food from Hyderabad. 35000 RTE food packets being sent by DRDO, Government of Gujarat has organized 50000 packets of food and Government of Bihar 25000 packets of dry food.
• Availability of Boats is being augmented further with inflatable boats and fibre glass boats with out-board motors. Over 250 boats have already been deployed
• Air asset support is being up-scaled. Over 30 aircrafts and 31 helicopters have been made available. Air India has declared free passage for the tourists trapped in Srinagar.
• Heavy duty submersible pumps are being flown in to pump out water once the river level starts subsiding.
• 3 tons of milk in tetrapack is being rushed, in addition to milk powder.
• 6000 solar lanterns are being mobilized in view of the disruption in power supply in the valley.