Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile phone may have been monitored by the US, a German government spokesman has said
Germany has received information that US intelligence may be spying on the mobile phone of Chancellor Angela Merkel, who called President Barack Obama to protest, her spokesman said.
“The chancellor today telephoned President Obama” and “made clear that she unequivocally disapproves of such practices, should they be confirmed, and regards them as completely unacceptable,” spokesman Steffen Seibert said in a statement released on Wednesday.
President Barack Obama sought to assure Mrs Merkel that the US is not monitoring her communications after the Chancellor raised the issue.
Jay Carney, the White House spokesman, said that the allegations that they had intentionally tapped her phone were untrue.
“Today President Obama and Chancellor Merkel spoke by telephone regarding the allegations that the US National Security Agency intercepted the communications of the German chancellor.
“I can tell you that the president assured the chancellor that the United States is not monitoring and will not monitor the communications of the chancellor,” he said.
Mr Carney did not, however, address the possibility that the NSA had intercepted Ms Merkel’s communications as part of broader eavesdropping sweep.
He told reporters the US was examining concerns from Germany as well as France and other allies over its intelligence practices.
The revelation comes after reports this week that the NSA, the US spy agency, regularly intercepted the phone conversations of French diplomats and citizens.
Der Spiegel, the German news magazine, which has published stories based on material from fugitive US leaker Edward Snowden, said the information had come from its investigations.
In Germany, opposition politicians, the media and privacy activists have been vocal in their outrage over the US eavesdropping – but, as yet, not Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Interior Ministry spokesman Jens Teschke said earlier on Wednesday that the German government was still in talks with the Americans about the spying issue.
“(But) we have recognised that many of the allegations made by Mr Snowden can’t be substantiated, and on other issues that there was no mass surveillance of innocent citizens,” he said.
Ms Merkel has previously expressed surprise at the scope of US data collection efforts but also said her country was “dependent” on cooperation with the American spy agencies. It was thanks to “tips from American sources,” she said, that security services foiled an Islamic terror plot in 2007 that targeted US soldiers and citizens in Germany.
It comes after a Paris newspaper reported the NSA had swept up 70.3 million French telephone records in a 30-day period.
The French government called the US ambassador in for an explanation and put the issue of personal data protection on the agenda of the European Union summit that opens on Thursday.
“Why are these practices, as they’re reported – which remains to be clarified – unacceptable? First because they are taking place between partners, between allies, and then because they clearly are an affront to private life,” said Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, the French government spokeswoman, on Wednesday.
But the official French position – that friendly nations should not spy on each another – can’t be taken literally, a former French foreign minister said.
“The magnitude of the eavesdropping is what shocked us,” Bernard Kouchner said Tuesday in a radio interview. “Let’s be honest, we eavesdrop too. Everyone is listening to everyone else. But we don’t have the same means as the United States, which makes us jealous.”
The French government, which until this week had been largely silent in the face of widespread US snooping on its territory, may have other reasons to speak out now.
The furore over the NSA managed to draw media attention away from France’s controversial expulsion of a Roma family at a time when French President Francois Hollande’s popularity is at a historic low. Just 23 per cent of French approve of the job he is doing, according to a recent poll.
In Italy, major newspapers reported that a parliamentary committee was told during a visit to Washington that phone calls, emails and text messages of Italians had been intercepted.
Prime Minister Enrico Letta raised the topic of spying during a meeting on Wednesday with John Kerry, the Secretary of State.
A senior State Department official said Mr Kerry made it clear the Obama administration’s goal was to strike the right balance between security needs and privacy expectations.
Few countries have responded as angrily to US spying as Brazil.
President Dilma Rousseff took the extremely rare diplomatic step of cancelling a visit to Washington, where she had been scheduled to receive a full state dinner this week.
Analysts say her anger is genuine, though also politically profitable, for Mrs Rousseff faces a competitive re-election campaign next year. Her strong stance against the United States can only help her with the more left-wing elements of her ruling Workers Party.
The Mexican government has reacted cautiously to those revelations, calling the targeting of the presidents “unacceptable” yet its statements haven’t been accompanied by any real action. Mr Pena Nieto has demanded an investigation but hasn’t cancelled any visits or contacts, a strategy that Mexico’s opposition and some analysts see as weak and submissive.