Besides debris, several victims’ bodies too, spotted floating over the waves in Java Sea, Indonesian officials told local TV.
The confirmation of AirAsia jet debris being spotted does come as a rude and shocking piece of news for the relatives of Flight QZ8501 passengers, dousing their hopes and any possibility that the plane might not have crashed and that their kins might be alive. Earlier, the relatives of AirAsia Flight 8501 passengers told BBC in they were hoping the debris does not turn out to be the missing plane.
Debris spotted today during an aerial search for AirAsia flight QZ8501 is from the missing plane, Indonesia`s director general of civil aviation Djoko Murjatmodjo told reporters.
“For the time being it can be confirmed that it`s the AirAsia plane and the transport minister will depart soon to Pangkalan Bun,” the AFP quoted Djoko Murjatmodjo.
Indonesian TV also showed the footage of two large objects coloured orange and grey, one of them several metres in length, that were spotted floating in the Java Sea on Tuesday and which could possibly be the debris from the missing AirAsia plane, Reuters reports.
Indonesian Air Force has said that ten large objects have been spotted in Java Sea in the search area, six miles from where the AirAsia plane had lost contact.
Indonesian authorities now claim that some objects resembling a plane’s emergency slide and plane door have been spotted in the search area, AFP reports. Earlier today, the authorities spoke of “billowing smoke” spotted on Long Island in search zone. However it is too early to say if these are actually the clues that may lead to the missing plane.